endless knowledge vault
labor and employment issues are scattered in a series of laws, government
announcements and regulations of the Ministry of Labor, which are most commonly
referred to as follows.
1. Civil and Commercial
Code (“CCC”)
The provisions regulating the rights and
duties of employers and employees are set out under Title 6 of Book 3 of the
CCC, Sections 575 to 586 (“Hire of Services”).
2. Labor Protection Act B.E. 2541 (1998)
Labor Protection Act is principally describing the minimum labor and employment
requirements and standards such as duties of the employer in using labor,
arranging compensation, the use of labor consisting of women and minors,
providing welfare and safety measures at work as well as governing severance
pay for termination of employment.
3. Labor Relations Act
B.E. 2518 (1975):
Labor Relations Act deals with the procedures of negotiations and bargaining as
regards labor issues between employers and employees, i.e. the settlement of
labor disputes, labor strikes and lockout, the rights of the employees to set
up associations and labor unions as well as the rights and duties of these
organizations. The Act also covers the establishment of employee committees as
a vehicle for holding consultations between the employees and their employers.
4. Act on the
Establishment of Labor Courts and
Act introduces the establishment of the
5. The Social Security Act B.E. 2533 (1990)
Act regulates the establishment of a Social Security Office and Social Security
Fund and requires the employers, the employees and the Government to pay
monthly contributions in order to help compensate employees in cases of
injuries, illness, disability, death, maternity, aging and unemployment. The
benefits also include spouse and children of the employee.
6. The Workmen’s
Compensation Act B.E. 2537 (1994)
law deals with the employer’s liabilities in case of employee’s death or loss
as a consequence of working for the employer. Therefore, the act establishes a
compensation fund whereas collection is to be made from employers. In addition,
the Act governs conditions and procedures in making claims for employer’s